Membership Form

National Integreted Medical Assotiation(N.I.M.A.)

The National Integrated Medical Association (NIMA) is an Indian Non-governmental organization of General practitioners educated in integrated system of medicine which includes mo dern scientific medicine & traditional wisdom from ayurveda & unani in India established in 1947.

Its' an organisation looking after your professional interests, fighting for your rights and endeavouring to give you your legitimate place in the country's Health Plans, if you are unaware of the work of NIMA, here is a brief account for your information.

The Association continuously strived for getting the Indian Medicine Central Council Bill properly amended since its introduction in the parliament and launched a big agitation against the injustice done to the integrated practitioners in the Bill, which won with the help of a number of advocates and friends in the Parliament of India.

Though the protogonists of Shuddha Ayurveda with the support of the Health Minister of the Centre succeeded in withholding the amendments in our favour, the Association did not give up the fight and continued to pursue the issue with the Government, the Central Council of Health and

Membership Verification Form

Please verify you membership with submmiting the form at our Varanasi UP Office